December 1, 2022

Philippine tuna fishers enjoy hard-earned community savings in Christmas cashouts

  • members of a gslc in occidental mindoro huddle under a tent roof as they go through their christmas cashout
    Members of a GSLC in Occidental Mindoro huddle under a tent roof as they go through their Christmas cashout. GSLCs empower communities to better support themselves and their needs. Photograph © WWF-Philippines / David David
  • a woman in occidental mindoro counts cash
    A woman in Occidental Mindoro counts cash for her GSLC’s Christmas cashout. Photograph © WWF-Philippines / David David
  • a woman organizes the earnings
    In Camarines Sur, a woman organizes the earnings of the members of her communities’ GSLC. Each GSLC is run and operated solely by the host community. Photograph © WWF-Philippines
  • a fisherman shows off his earnings
    A fisherman shows off his earnings from his GSLCs’ Christmas cashout. Photograph © WWF-Philippines

Bicol and Mindoro – Tuna fishing communities across the Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait enjoyed the earnings of their community savings during Christmas cashouts activities held throughout December.

The cashouts are the latest from an initiative being rolled out by the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines). WWF-Philippines has been organizing Group Savings and Loans Committees (GSLCs) in communities across Bicol and Mindoro, to both support livelihoods and improve financial management.

Commonly known as village savings clubs, the GSLCs are a means for communities to save money amongst themselves. Headed by a board and guided by by-laws decided by the group, each GSLC can access a shared pool of funds from which members can borrow or invest in projects to improve their community.

Each GSLC also acts as a safety net for its members during hard times. Medicine and hospital bills were among the top reasons cash withdrawals were made throughout the year.

The cashouts held this month are the result of continuous community saving throughout the past year. Over 3,000,000 pesos were raised across 24 communities in Lagonoy Gulf, while another 600,000 pesos were raised in nine communities across Mindoro Strait.

“For every fish I catch, I make sure to put money into our GSLC. That’s my work, so that’s where all my savings come from,” shared Nolly Narvato, a fisher from Presentacion, Camarines Sur.

Nolly is the largest shareholder in the Sta. Maria GSLC, with over forty thousand pesos returned to him during the recent cashout. He joined the group after an accident at sea helped him realize the importance of a support group to fall back upon.

“What I want is for our group to continue to grow and grow,” added Nolly.

Buffered by their GSLCs and with the support of their communities, fishers across Bicol and Mindoro enjoyed heartier holidays to cap the previous year.

For more information, please contact:

  • Ms. Joann Binondo

    Overall Project Manager

    Sustainable Tuna Partnership (STP)

  • Ms. Chezka Guevarra

    Assistant Manager | External Communications and Ambassador Programs

About WWF

WWF is one of the world’s largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

WWF-Philippines has been successfully implementing various conservation projects to help protect some of the most biologically-significant ecosystems in Asia since its establishment as the 26th national organization of the WWF network in 1997.

About Sustainable Tuna Partnership

Sustainable Tuna Project 2, more commonly known as STP 2, is a WWF project that succeeds the efforts of STP 1 and the Partnership Program Toward Sustainable Tuna.

Its efforts are aimed to promote tuna sustainability by empowering small-scale yellowfin tuna fishers and improving tuna fisheries management in Bicol and Occidental Mindoro. Learn more about the key outcomes of STP 2 here.